ema Software Suite -

Factory Planning & Simulation

We help industrial companies increase efficiency.

Why “rough-and-tumble” with conventional planning methods supporting limited flexibility?

Our ema Software Suite elevates efficiency by optimizing running routes, material flows and ergonomics.

Your outcome – significant increased operational efficiency, while reducing workers compensation claims.

With a looming 30% cost savings, imagine what you can do.

Save money, time and resources

ema is the perfect software for virtual planning for any production and logistics.

Our Customers

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Customer Success Stories

Logo Daimler Truck

Redesign of pre-assembly workstations at Daimler Truck AG

The goal was to implement the centralized redesign of the pre-assembly workstations in axle production with a focus on the integration of employees with reduced mobility (ME) using a digital twin.

After recording the current situation on site, an initial digital layout was created using ema Work Designer software. Iterative improvements to the workplace design, material flow and ergonomics were developed through workshops and simulations.

The centralized workstations promote the integration of ME and improve ergonomics, production times and walking distances, which increases efficiency.

Logo Audi

Virtual 3P workshops at AUDI

Use of the ema software to conduct virtual 3P workshops.

All workplaces were successively displayed and optimized. Virtual workshops depicted human work processes and enabled an automatic evaluation of time and ergonomic aspects.

This enabled optimal solutions to be identified quickly.

Digitalization can be experienced and leads to cost savings, increased flexibility, efficiency, attractiveness and sustainability.

About Us

Founded in 2010 in Greenville, South Carolina, imk is an international provider of engineering and consulting services for factory planning, ergonomics consulting and workplace design with a German heritage. Our founder and CEO of imk Health Intelligence Dr. Jens Trepte and CEO of imk Industrial Intelligence Dr. Lars Fritzsche represent the company in Germany. Furthermore we are
a developer and manufacturer of medical and transmission technologies.
The imk Group operates in the Industry and Healthcare sectors.

Your future starts now with

Virtual planning. Real value. 

Contact us now!

For North American customers:

Martin Burgisser
Director Business Development

For European customers:

Martin Weidhas
Head of Software Sales